TribeOne -CryptoVerse AMA Recap

9 min readJun 4, 2021


Date: June 1, 2021, Tuesday

Guest: Mehdi Suleman: CEO and Founder

Tan Ahmad: Director of Partnerships

Q: Can you please introduce yourselves to the community?

A: Mehdi Suleman: My name is Mehdi Suleman, I carry over 20+ years of experience in the largest retail banks of the Middle East region, building products and teams with the inception to growing business with total value locked over $1.2 billion. Throughout my tenure, I worked in senior leadership roles overseeing business, operations & managing large cross-department teams. Now, I am the founder and CEO of TribeOne.

Tan Ahmad: I am Tan Ahmad, the director of partnerships with extensive experience of over 15 years resulting in a deep passion for crypto and understanding the business needs and aspirations. I have worked with reputable companies like deVere Group & Ibex Global. I aim to bring a lot of unbridled energy to build the TribeOne partnership ecosystem. Now, I am the Director of partnership at TribeOne.

Also, we would like to mention our head of credit risk, Amr Ezzat who has worked in the largest banks in the financial risk space as a remarkable senior risk analyst with over 10 years of building credit financial modeling for underwriting retail & wholesale risk portfolios. He is our Head of Credit Risk at TribeOne.

Q: Can you please tell us about the @TribeOne in detail?

A: Our project “TribeOne ‘’ which is the first AI-powered NFT & DeFi funding platform, where we will be providing loans & lending options for both NFTs and crypto assets. Our leadership team carries extensive financial experience in product building due to which they can identify the inefficiencies faced by users. So now with TribeOne they have created products which are consumer centric and beneficial for all, removing all barriers.

As we have seen, the current traditional financial industry has many hurdles like rigid infrastructure, lack of transparency, restricted innovation etc. causing the users to lose money instead of earning.

We will solve these issues by providing a one stop shop for all your financial needs that comprehends all the inefficiencies by offering a lending, borrowing, and investing platform where the users will be able to get loans or invest using all crypto assets specifically NFTs which are in trend, in a completely transparent infrastructure where the community manages and governs their assets.

Q: I am very much interested to know about NFT pool funding, how would it be implemented? How can Sharing of a single NFT work?

A: Great Question! TribeOne’s revolutionary NFT platform has a variety of features. NFT has come up as one of the major asset classes in the last few months. TribeOne identifies the potential and aims to unlock the value of their NFT assets.

Our NFT platform would be implemented in a very user centric way, where users can get loans to purchase NFTs, users will get loans against their NFT as collateral and pool invest in NFTs.

NFTs are unique digital assets that cannot be interchanged, and they hold original ownership of the creator, therefore clearing the misconception in our NFT pool invest, users will not able to share the ownership of that NFT they will only be able to pool invest in a well evaluated NFT and make beneficial returns out of it.

Q: What makes $HAKA different from their competitors?

A: That’s a good question!

The first thing that make $HAKA different is the concept behind the name :

The concept of TribeOne draws some of its inspiration from the Samoan culture which focuses on family, unity, respect and working together as a community. Our token $HAKA means war dance that indicates the power of our token.

Now let tell you about the token utility:

  1. Staking Rewards:

For holding $HAKA users have access to slot allocation, additional discounts on loans and Lowered interest rates.

2. P2P Risk Assessment & Governance Rewards:

$HAKA is allocated as an incentive for participating in risk assessment & Governance.

3. Slot Allocation On NFT Financing:

Depositors of cryptocurrencies in TribeOne will receive $HAKA.

4. Zero- to Low-Collateralized Loans:

For low collateralized loans, users only need to provide 20% of the loan as collateral.

5. Early Repayment Rewards:

If users settle their low- or zero-collateralized loan early, they will be rewarded in $HAKA.

6. Staking Discounts:

Users will also have the option to stake $HAKA tokens and earn staking rewards.

Hence there are immense benefits for the users for holding $HAKA.

Q: In my opinion, a project needs to solve a real-world problem. What is the problem your Project is mainly focusing on?

A: TribeOne’s main aim is to revolutionize traditional finance and the current DeFi space. With TribeOne is that we do not have any overhead which are associated with the real-world companies hence we do not burden the users with additional charges.

TribeOne does solve a lot of real world traditional financial problems like Lack of Transparency, Unequal access to financial services, Counter-party risk, Time-consuming and Rigid infrastructure. We aim to overcome all these issues by introducing a range of user centric products like zero to low collateralized loans, NFT funding platform and DeFi insurance add-on provided after our strategic partnerships, all for safeguarding our users.

We all dream to have a perfect marriage of traditional finance and the DeFi world where we can have all the benefits of the traditional banking system and enjoy the perks of DeFi. TribeOne became the reality of that dream.

Q: Can you provide the project roadmap and tell us a little about your plans for 2021 and your plans for next year 2022?

A: We are currently working on catching the wave of NFTs, by focusing on launching our NFT platform first according to our roadmap that is planned for the third quarter. We are building our platform initially on the Binance Smart Chain and then migrate to the Polkadot network once the mainnet is live. The third quarter would consist of launching our NFT funding platform. In the later quarter, we would launch our loans & investment program for individual and micro financiers.

Q: How do you plan to spread awareness of your project in different countries / regions where English cannot be used well? Do you have a community approach for them to better understand the project?

A: TribeOne believes in evolution together regardless of any geographic, cultural boundaries. An evolution that grows together and a community that shines together.

TribeOne is created not only to be financially inclusive but also to have connection with the different communities globally, for that reason we have onboarded multiple influencers from various countries to ensure that the message of TribeOne that is spread in their local languages to avoid loss in translation situations. This is one way we acquire global reach.

TribeOne wants to bring about a change in the way users interact with DeFi platforms to make them more accessible and in a format that is understandable! For that reason, this would resonate with a lot of users from countries where English is not a main language like Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines etc.

Q: What is the fact for long-term investors instead of quick flip as many people do these days?

A: Well, TribeOne is here to stay for all its users, so that we can redefine the DeFi space like never before.

I would like to add that TribeOne is bridging the Gap that exists in the DeFi lending space where the use of over collateralized loans is limiting the global adoption of DeFi. So, it would not be wrong to say that with our revolutionary products, the users will not only benefit in the short term but also in the long term.

Another point to note is that we have a deflationary ecosystem, for every successful loan paid back, a portion of the profits is allocated to burn the token supply until it is reduced to 50%! Hence it will increase token adoption & beneficial for long-term investors.

Q: Obstacles cannot be unless there is an Ironman #RAROC TribeOne is here to become Ironman for the DeFi realm. Can you explain what #RAROC is? And what are its uses?

A: RAROC stands for Risk Adjusted Returns on Crypto. It is our superhero and will present quite a few added benefits for TribeOne’s users. RAROC is an AI based inbuilt financial actuary for the safety of our users.

Raroc is Tribeone’s proprietary “Digital brain” that evaluates the risk for investors by profiling borrowers based on their repayment track record so that a potential investor would be able to assess their investment decision.

RAROC is our proprietary risk algorithm that provides TribeOne to mitigate risk when issuing loans hence maintaining a low loss rate and allowing it to integrate across a broad spectrum of industry verticals in a space with limited access to centralized third-party data sources.

This is RAROC for people who haven’t met him yet. Very friendly and intelligent:

Q: Revenue is a very important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project / company. What is the way to generate profit / revenue of token? What is the income model?

A: That’s correct! most tech companies get away with being at loss for a long time because the eventual gain is in the stock value or in the crypto space the token value, why TribeOne would do better is because the team comprises of veterans in the finance industry, and we understand how to generate income and keeps costs low! The initial goal of TribeOne will be to onboard users by offering attractive terms and rate, the eventual model is for the platform to be self-reliant where a portion of the transaction cost is retained in the TribeOne treasury to cover expenses and settling Bad debts if they arise.

Q: What is the $token utility in the ecosystem? Where it will be used and why would the demand for your token increase? Please tell us about your 2021 roadmap and BEYOND?

A: As far as the token utility is concerned, I mentioned it in one of my previous answers however I will again let you know:

-Staking Rewards

-P2P Risk Assessment & Governance Rewards

-Slot Allocation on NFT Financing

-Zero- to Low-Collateralized Loans

-Early Repayment Rewards

-Staking Discounts

Through our $HAKA token, the users will be able to have following benefits which will encourage the users to use our tokens.

- Access to slot allocation

- Additional discounts on loans

- Lowered interest rates depending on staked value

- P2P Claims Assessment & Governance right

- $HAKA is allocated as an incentive for participating in risk assessment & Governance

For the roadmap part of your question:

TribeOne is launching the first all-in-one platform with consumer centric features like NFT funding, zero to low collateralized loans, tailor made loans to micro financiers and SMEs, DeFi insurance. There is no such platform out there which addresses all of them under one roof.

As far as our future are concerned, we are right on track, and we would be launching our NFT funding platform in early Q3 of this year. This will be built initially on the Binance Smart Chain and then migrate to the Polkadot network once the mainnet is live. In the later quarters we would launch our loans and SME platforms.

so, stay connected to our social media channels to get instant updates about our project.

Q: The cryptocurrency market is increasingly competitive, especially Defi and NFT. what is your unique “selling point”? and how will TRIBEONE take advantage of it?

A: TribeOne aims to bring improvement and innovations to the DeFi world. Currently the lending space within DeFi is overly collateralized. This situation is not in favour of the borrowers and is not giving back enough to them. We are launching a first all-in-one platform with consumer centric features like NFT funding, low to zero collateralized loans, loans to micro financiers, DeFi insurance. There is no such platform out there which solves all the user needs at one place. So, in conclusion these are some of our “selling points” that make us different from our competitors.

About TribeOne

TribeOne is the world’s first AI-powered decentralized financial platform backed with RAROC (Risk-Adjusted Returns On Crypto) technology. TribeOne is extensively an NFT, lending, borrowing, saving, and credit risk platform that offers a seamless experience; to the users through its innovative consumer-centric products. The platform will break barriers in the traditional financial ecosystem and revolutionize the DeFi sphere as a whole. Providing the community with a platform to lend, borrow and invest in crypto assets and NFTs. Therefore, offering an unconventional experience for all.

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